the Renovation Experience

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Seamless Home Evolution

Imagine a future where every home effortlessly evolves into its best version. A tomorrow where the complexities of decision-making and planning give way to a singular focus: a home that's always updated, always safe, and always beautiful.

Powerful tools made for everyone

Home peace of mind
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Peace of mind

At Renovai, we understand that a home is more than just bricks and mortar – it's a sanctuary, a repository of memories, and a space of comfort. We prioritize you, the homeowner, ensuring that every transition your home undergoes is handled with utmost care. With our guidance, you're not just investing in aesthetic upgrades, but in peace of mind. Sleep soundly, knowing your cherished space is in expert hands, and watch as it flourishes to reflect your dreams.

Home smartness
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In today's fast-paced world, time is of the essence. Renovai marries advanced AI technology with intuitive design, ensuring that the journey to your dream home is not just effective but streamlined. We remove redundancies, offer smart suggestions, and pave the way for smooth decision-making. With us, the path to an updated home is direct, clear, and remarkably efficient.

Home sustainability
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A beautiful home shouldn’t come at the planet's expense. Renovai is deeply committed to sustainability, championing methods and choices that are eco-friendly. We believe in creating homes that are not just beautiful to look at but also kind to the environment. Every recommendation, every choice, every step is a nod to a greener future, ensuring you can take pride in a home that’s both stunning and sustainable.

Home global
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The dream of a perfect home is universal. With roots firmly planted in innovation and an eye on global horizons, Renovai is on a mission to reshape homes around the world. Our ambition is vast: to touch lives across continents, ensuring every home, regardless of geography, benefits from our pioneering approach. Join us as we embark on this global journey, turning aspirations into tangible realities, one home at a time.

Our Team/Board of Directors

Many years of experience from industry and technology
Daniel Thafvelin
Geir Andersen
Mikkel Selente
Lars Hansen
Tomasz Kowalczyk
Trond Valø

Get ready to experience renovation in a new way with RenovAI

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